Cape May Brown Booby

The inspired placing of Canadian Thanksgiving during autumn migration gave us the opportunity to take a few days at Cape May in New Jersey. Despite being a good drive the birding prospects nulified the numb bum such trips bestow and we chanced upon great weather and excellent passage.

We stopped at the reasonably priced Jetty Motel, modest but very well placed for a birder. Literally on the doorstep was seawatching, a walk around the beach took you into the Meadows nature reserve and then on to Cape May State Park. Complimenting our trip was a birding cruise aboard The Osprey, $35.00 each well spent as it took us into areas we could not drive or walk to. One such spot harboured the recently arrived prize of Brown Booby and if you arrived at this blog having Googled Brown Booby you might well now be disappointed!

Below shots of the female Brown Booby, we’ve seen them before but not as close as this.

Brown Booby with Double-crested Cormorant